Types of blood cells and its function and images

2 min readMar 19, 2020

45% of blood cells are found i n blood . It is of three types:

The unique feature of RBCs is the presence of a red, oxygen-carrying pigment, the hemoglobin, In their cytoplasm. The shape and size of RBCs vary in different animals.

The cells may be uninucleated or non-nucleated. In almost all the vertebrates, except mammals, these are nucleated, oval and biconvex. In mammals, these are non-nucleated, biconcave and circular.

Actually, the nucleus is present in the RBCs of mammals initially but when these cells are finally differentiated and mature, the nucleus, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum are degenerated.

RBC deficiency diseases

These are colourless, nucleated and motile (amoeboid) cells of blood, much larger than RBCs, but less in number. All leucocytes are capable of amoeboid movement. These are of two main kinds; phagocytes and immunocytes.

Phagocytes are capable of phagocytosis and they carry out the function of body defense by engulfing bacteria and other foreign substances.

If we talk about the human body, the amount of WBC in blood cells is the lowest. It has a life of 3–4 days. The WBC is born in the human body in the bone marrow and dies in blood.

Vitamin A increases WBC in blood. The decrease in the amount of WBC is called Leukopenia. Excess of WBC is called Leukemia. WBC is of three types:

WBC deficiency diseases

Platelet deficiency diseases


Blood cells function

Originally published at https://questionssolution001.blogspot.com on July 19, 2020.




B-Tech in Electronics instrumentation and control engineering